The Fight of Our Life Health Tour is a seven city tour that brings together gospel music and stroke awareness. It's a partnership between Kirk Franklin, Power To End Stroke and local businesses. All partners agreeing that stroke is a major threat to the African American community and believing that awareness and education are the initial steps in preventing and overcoming stroke.
Stroke is the No. 3 leading cause of death and a leading cause of long-term disability among African Americans. African Americans have almost twice the risk of first-ever strokes compared with whites, and blacks 35-54 years old have four times the relative risk for stroke. Fortunately stroke is often preventable, and the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association's Power To End Stroke movement is empowering African Americans to reduce their risk by making healthy lifestyle changes.
Power To End Stroke is an exciting national campaign that raises awareness about stroke—while embracing and celebrating the culture, creativity and energy of African Americans. Leading the campaign and taking it to new heights in Texas, Arkansas and Oklahoma is multiple Grammy award winner, Kirk Franklin. Kirk Franklin has revolutionized gospel music. He's bridged the gap between the faith-based community and mainstream urban music. The genius fusion of the gospel message and hip-hop beats have made him a mainstay atop Billboard charts for more than 15 years. Kirk's artistry and high energy performances are directly linked to the daily choices he makes in favor of a healthy diet and exercise.