Power Sunday is part of the Power To End Stroke awareness campaign. On this day, church leaders preach a lifesaving message to their congregations--stroke. The service is dedicated to those who have survived or died of stroke.
To combat stroke, church leaders share key messages to help reduce risk in the African African community. Church leaders spread the word about the seriousness of the Nation's No. 3 killer and the leading cause of long-term, severe disability. Power Sunday is held any Sunday during American Stroke Month (May).
To kick-off this year's Power Sunday, Kirk Franklin and his church, Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, Texas, were the first to host a Power Sunday service. Kirk talked to the congregation about the risk factors and warning signs of stroke. Then, he led the congregation in the Power To End Stroke pledge. More than 1,200 church members took the pledge. During the service, Pastor Tony Evans reinforced the message, and church member and stroke survivor, Bertha Banks, gave a personal testimony. After the service, the Health and Wellness ministry conducted health screenings and distributed educational brochures.
Throughout the month of May, congregations across country will celebrate Power Sunday. Many will wear purple to show their support for this cause and conduct Power Sunday activities. If you would like to get your congregation involved, please visit our Power To End Stroke page.